The equation of motion for a single pendulum subjected to gravity, without taking friction into account is:
For two pendula coupled by a spring a coupling term is added to the equation of motion of each pendulum. The force acting on the spring is equal to , where
, is the deviation from the spring equilibrium length. The rotational force is thus
With this added term the equations of motion for the two coupled pendula become:
These equations cannot be solved analytically.
For small angles and the harmonic approximation can be used:
. The equations of motion become:
These two equations can be decoupled by adding and subtracting the two equations to give:
With solutions:
and , , and are determined by the initial conditions. Note that
, where is the frequency for the single harmonic oscillator.
In physical terms and are the frequencies with which the pendula move either in phase, (
) or out of phase (
), as illustrated below.
In fase motion
Out of fase motion
The two modes can be combined to give the solution for and
In general, the two coupled pendula behave in a complex fashion. A classical example, is found for the initial angles
and and setting all initial velocities to zero, as illustrated below.
One pendulum at rest, the other at an angle R
The four equations for the initial conditions at are:
The solutions are
. The equations of motion become:
Using trigonometric identities for the sum and difference of cosine functions, this can be rewritten to give:
The solutions are plotted below:
One pendulum at rest, the other at an angle R=30 degrees
Equations (2) show that the motion of and is constructed out of a multiplication of 2 sines or cosines with different angular frequency (
The oscillation with long period
constitutes an envelope for the oscillation with smaller period
, so called beats.
In the weak coupling limit:
the first pendulum comes to rest whereas the second comes to rest at