Recent papers in scientific journals
20211. L. Ke and M. I. Katsnelson,Electron correlation effects on exchange interactions and spin excitations in 2D van der Waals materials NPJ COMPUT MATER 7, 4 (2021) 2. Y. Bakhtin, M. I. Katsnelson, Y. I. Wolf, and E. V. Koonin, Evolution in the weak-mutation limit: Stasis periods punctuated by fast transitions between saddle points on the fitness landscape PNAS 118, e2015665118 (2021) 3. O. M. Sotnikov, V. V. Mazurenko, J. Colbois, F. Mila, M. I. Katsnelson, and E. A. Stepanov, Probing the topology of the quantum analog of a classical skyrmion PHYS REV B 103, L060404 (2021) 4. M. Steinbrecher, W. M. J. van Weerdenburg, E. F. Walraven, N. P. E. van Mullekom, J. W. Gerritsen, F. D. Natterer, D. I. Badrtdinov, A. N. Rudenko, V. V. Mazurenko, M. I. Katsnelson, A. van der Avoird, G. C. Groenenboom, and A. A. Khajetoorians, Quantifying the interplay between fine structure and geometry of an individual molecule on a surface PHYS REV B 103, 155405 (2021) 5. M. Bykov, T. Fedotenko, S. Chariton, D. Laniel, K. Glazyrin, M. Hanfland, J. S. Smith, V. B. Prakapenka, M. F. Mahmood, A. F. Goncharov, A. V. Ponomareva, F. Tasnádi, A. I. Abrikosov, T. Bin Masood, I. Hotz, A. N. Rudenko, M. I. Katsnelson, N. Dubrovinskaia, L. Dubrovinsky, and I. A. Abrikosov, High-pressure synthesis of Dirac materials: Layered van der Waals bonded BeN4 polymorph PHYS REV LETT 126, 175501 (2021) 6. V. V. Mazurenko, Y. O. Kvashnin, A. I. Lichtenstein, and M. I. Katsnelson, A DMI guide to magnets micro-world JETP 132, 506 (2021) 7. H. Rostami, M. I. Katsnelson, G. Vignale, and M. Polini, Gauge invariance and Ward identities in nonlinear response theory ANN PHYS (NY) 431, 168523 (2021) 8. S. Streib, A. Szilva, V. Borisov, M. Pereiro, A. Bergman, E. Sjöqvist, A. Delin, M. I. Katsnelson, O. Eriksson, and D. Thonig, Exchange constants for local spin Hamiltonians from tight-binding models PHYS REV B 103, 224413 (2021) 9. A. Mauri and M. I. Katsnelson, Scale without conformal invariance in membrane theory NUCL PHYS B 969, 115482 (2021) 10. E. G. C. P. van Loon, M. Roesner, M. I. Katsnelson, and T. O. Wehling, Random phase approximation for gapped systems: Role of vertex corrections and applicability of the constrained random phase approximation PHYS REV B 104, 045134 (2021) 11. A. N. Rudenko, M. I. Katsnelson, and Yu. N. Gornostyrev, Dislocation structure and mobility in the layered semiconductor InSe: A first-principles study 2D MATER 8, 045028 (2021) 12. D. Soriano, A. N. Rudenko, M. I. Katsnelson, and M. Roesner, Environmental screening and ligand-field effects to magnetism in CrI3 monolayer NPJ COMPUT MATER 7, 162 (2021) 13. C. Dutreix, H. González-Herrero, I. Brihuega, M. I. Katsnelson, C. Chapelier, and V. T. Renard, Measuring graphene’s Berry phase at B = 0 T COMPTES RENDUS PHYS 22, issue S4, 133 (2021) 14. M. I. Katsnelson and V. Vanchurin, Emergent quantumness in neural networks FOUND PHYS 51, 94 (2021) 15. S. Acharya, D. Pashov, B. Cunningham, A. N. Rudenko, M. Roesner, M. Gruening, M. van Schilfgaarde, and M. I. Katsnelson, Electronic structure of chromium trihalides beyond density functional theory PHYS REV B 104, 155109 (2021) 16. S. Acharya, D. Pashov, A. N. Rudenko, M. Roesner, M. van Schilfgaarde, and M. I. Katsnelson, Importance of charge self-consistency in first-principles description of strongly correlated systems NPJ COMPUT MATER 7, 208 (2021) |