Complexity, machine learning and evolution, seminar in the center for brain and cognition at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, February 2025 (online) Frustrations, memory, and complexity in classical and quantum spin systems, physical and mathematical colloquium, Constructor University, Bremen, November 2024 What is special about being a theoretical physicist, valedictory lecture, Nijmegen, 31 October 2024 Video Frustrations, memory, and complexity in classical and quantum spin systems, IMM colloquium, Nijmegen, October 2024 Selected problems of two-dimensional magnetism, workshop Spin-orbit entangled quantum magnetism, Vienna, September 2024 Video Structural commensurability and incommensurability in twisted Van der Waals systems, plenary talk at 9th Polish conference Graphene and other 2D materials, Poznan, September 2024 (online) Multiscale structural complexity of natural and unnatural patterns, conference Evolution of complexity and statistical physics, Yerevan (online), July 2024 Origin of classicality in quantum spin systems, colloquium, University of Luxembourg. May 2024 Origin of classicality in quantum spin systems, symposium Trends in theory, Wageningen, May 2024 Engineering of quantum Hamiltonians with high-frequency laser fields, LIGHTMATTER talk, Uppsala, May 2024 Origin of classicality in quantum spin systems, AlbaNova colloquium, Stockholm, May 2024 Video Frustrations, glassiness and complexity of spin systems with large spatial dimension, invited talk at DPG meeting, Berlin, March 2024 Quantitative theory of magnetic interactions in solids, Hillert Modeling Laboratory Colloquium, Stockholm (online), January 2024 Video Degenerate plaquette physics as key ingredient of high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates, seminar in Uppsala University, October 2023 From first principles to magnetic Hamiltonians and spin dynamics, seminar in Uppsala University, October 2023 The role of magnetism in phase transitions and pattern formation in iron and steel, WISE steel and modeling workshop, Luleå, October 2023 From Fermi resonance and string pendulum to Van der Waals heterostructures, lecture at Luleå University of Technology, October 2023 Structural commensurability and incommensurability in twisted Van der Waals systems, seminar in Linköping University, October 2023 Frustrations, memory, and complexity in classical and quantum spin systems, seminar in Lund University, October 2023 Statistical physics and geometry of two dimensional materials in classical and quantum cases, workshop Random geometry in math & physics, Nijmegen, March 2023 Complexity of magnetic patterns and self-induced spin-glass state, theoretical physics symposium 2022, Hamburg, November 2022 From first principles to magnetic Hamiltonians and spin dynamics, school on spin dynamics, Stockholm, October 2022 Hydrogen on graphene, PTOLEMY collaboration meeting, Zandvoort, October 2022 Degenerate plaquette physics as key ingredient of high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates, workshop Mechanisms for superconductivity, New York (online), July 2022 Origin of complexity in physics and biology: The role of frustrations, conference Evolution of complexity from the statistical physics perspective, Yerevan (online), July 2022 Theory of magnetic interactions in real materials, symposium on spectroscopy of solids and interfaces, Nijmegen, May 2022 Structural commensurability and incommensurability in twisted Van der Waals systems, Ural international winter school on physics of semiconductors, Ekaterinburg (online), February 2022 Theory of magnetic interactions in real materials, SPICE-SPIN+X seminars, Mainz (online), January 2022 Video Frustrations, memory, and complexity in physics and beyond, annual meeting of Russian-American Science Association, St. Petersburg (Florida) (online), November 2021 Demystifying quantum mechanics, seminar on quantum science and technology/condensed matter, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, November 2021 Complexity of magnetic patterns and self-induced spin-glass state, CECAM workshop Computational materials discovery of unconventional magnets, Lausanne, October 2021 Topological and geometric plots in the physics of graphene, workshop on semiclassical asymptotics and nonlinear elliptic problems, Moscow (online), October 2021 Frustrations, memory, and complexity in physics and beyond, conference on modern problems of genetics, radiobiology, radioecology and evolution (dedicated to memory of N. Timofeev-Ressovsky), Yerevan (online), October 2021 Video Subtle quantum physics probed by STM: Examples and lessons, plenary talk at conference on machine learning and automated experiment in Scanning Probe Microscopy, Oak Ridge (online), October 2021 Structural commensurability and incommensurability in twisted Van der Waals systems, workshop Advances in modern physics: From a helium droplet to the Universe, Landau Institute, Chernogolovka (online), September 2021 Video Electronic structure and properties of a few-layer black phosphorus, international conference on low-dimensional materials, Dubna (online), July 2021 Semiclassical dynamics of charge carriers in graphene, online seminar Problems of applied mathematics, Mathematical Center, Novosibirsk, May 2021 Poor man's scaling approach: Examples, lecture at quantum field theory seminar, Nijmegen, May 2021 Structural commensurability and incommensurability in twisted Van der Waals systems, 2D Materials Webinar, March 2021 Complexity of magnetic patterns and self-induced spin-glass state, colloquium in University of Virginia (online), February 2021 Complexity of magnetic patterns and self-induced spin-glass state, webinar in Universidade Federal do Pará, February 2021 Video Frustrations, memory, and complexity in classical and quantum spin systems, invited talk at Physics@Veldhoven (annual Dutch physics meeting) (online), January 2021 Theory of magnetic interactions in real materials, invited talk at Physics@Veldhoven (annual Dutch physics meeting) (online), January 2021 Frustrations, memory, and complexity in physics and beyond, physics colloquium, University of Groningen (online), January 2021 Does God play dice? Logical inference approach to quantum mechanics, conference on mathematical methods of quantum technologies, Moscow (online), November 2020 Electronic structure and properties of a few-layer black phosphorus, workshop Hydrotronics 2020, Karlsruhe (online), October 2020 Magnetic patterns and self-induced spin-glass state, symposium on functional intelligent materials, Singapore (online), July 2020 Frustrations, memory, and complexity in physics and beyond, theory seminar, University of Manchester (online), July 2020 Frustrations, memory, and complexity in physics and beyond, theoretical physics colloquium, ITMO, St. Petersburg (online), July 2020 Video Frustrations, memory, and complexity in physics and beyond, theory colloquium, Wolfgang Pauli Center, Hamburg (online), May 2020 Does God play dice? winter school on theoretical physics Kourovka, Ekaterinburg, February 2020 Semiclassical theory for massless Dirac fermions, winter school on theoretical physics Kourovka, Ekaterinburg, February 2020 Electronic structure and properties of a few-layer black phosphorus, winter school on physics of semiconductors, Alapaevsk, February 2020 Electronic structure and properties of a few-layer black phosphorus, physics colloquium, Stuttragt, February 2020 Semiclassical dynamics of charge carriers in graphene, mathematics colloquium, University of Strasbourg, December 2019 Does God play dice? theoretical physics symposium, Hamburg, November 2019 Does God play dice? colloquium in NTNU, Trondheim, November 2019 Lectures on quantum condensed matter physics, University of Palermo, October 2019 Does God play dice? plenary talk at Swedish Physical Society meeting, Linköping, October 2019 Theory of itinerant-electron magnetism, condensed matter division of Swedish Physical Society, Linköping, October 2019 Semiclassical theory for massless Dirac fermions, workshop Weyl fermions in condensed matter, Natal, July 2019 Theory of itinerant-electron magnetism, plenary talk at international conference Physics. Technologies. Innovations, Ekaterinburg, May 2019 Electronic structure and properties of a few-layer black phosphorus, symposium on 2D Materials, Enschede, April 2019 Theory of magnetic interactions in real materials, seminar in Beijing Computational Science Research Center, March 2019 Does God play dice? colloquium in Wuhan University, March 2019 Electronic structure and properties of a few-layer black phosphorus, seminar in Columbia University, New York, February 2019 Dual fermion and dual boson approaches to strongly correlated systems, seminar in CCQ, Flatiron Institute, New York, February 2019 Many-body effects in graphene, seminar in CCQ, Flatiron Institute, New York, February 2019 Does God play dice? seminar in University of California San Diego, January 2019 Theory of magnetic interactions in real materials, seminar in University of California San Diego, January 2019 Engineering of quantum Hamiltonians by high-frequency laser fields, seminar in Russian Quantum Center, Skolkovo, November 2018 Engineering of quantum Hamiltonians by high-frequency laser fields, plenary lecture at the conference on Partial Differential Equations and Applications, Moscow, November 2018 Theory of magnetic interactions in real materials, seminar in Uppsala University, October 2018 Theory of magnetic interactions in real materials, plenary lecture at METANANO2018 conference, Sochi, September 2018 Many-body effects in graphene, workshop on the interaction of light with quantum and topological materials, Castelldefels, June 2018 Many-body effects in graphene, seminars in University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Wuhan University, and Nanjing University, April 2018 Theory of graphene, quantum gravity seminar, Nijmegen, February 2018 Does God play dice? Colloquium in William and Mary college, Williamsburg, November 2017 Dual fermion and dual boson approaches to strongly correlated systems, seminar in William and Mary college, Williamsburg, November 2017 Many-body effects in graphene, colloquium in Delft University of Technology, November 2017 Many-body effects in graphene, international conference on strongly correlated electron systems SCES 2017, Prague, July 2017 Theory of carbon based magnetism, international symposium Atomic- and nano-scale magnetism: Recent advantages and future perspectives, Hamburg, June 2017 Electronic structure and properties of a few-layer black phosphorus, colloquium in RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, June 2017 Does God play dice? Hamburg lectures in theoretical physics, Hamburg, May 2017 Decoherence in quantum spin systems, Hamburg lectures in theoretical physics, Hamburg, May 2017 Dual fermion and dual boson approaches to strongly correlated systems, Hamburg lectures in theoretical physics, Hamburg, May 2017 Gauge fields and strain engineering in graphene, seminar in Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, April 2017 Does God play dice? Colloquium in Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, April 2017 Graphene as a prototype crystalline membrane: structural, thermal and mechanical properties, invited talk at Graphene 2017 conference, Barcelona, March 2017 Does God play dice? Seminar in Institute of Nanoscience, Madrid, February 2017 Electronic structure and properties of a few-layer black phosphorus, conference Beyond! Materials Design and Discovery, Ringberg Castle, December 2016 Gauge fields and strain engineering in graphene, colloquium in University of Cologne, December 2016 Quantum theory of real materials: from graphene to high-temperature superconductors, lecture at receiption of Hamburg prize for theoretical physics, Hamburg, November 2016 Does God play dice? Huygens colloquium, Nijmegen, October 2016 Electronic structure and properties of a few-layer black phosphorus, invited talk at the 26th conference of condensed matter division of the European Physical Society, Groningen, September 2016 Theory of graphene: CERN on the desk, seminar in Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, July 2016 Collective phenomena in strongly correlated systems: Dual fermion and dual boson approaches, conference Disorder, Interactions and Coherence: Warps and Delights, Dresden, July 2016 Electronic structure and properties of a few-layer black phosphorus, colloquium in National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, July 2016 Science, creativity, graphene, opening lecture at 29th International Young Physicist Tournament, Ekaterinburg, June 2016 Magnetic interactions from first principles, lecture at summer school Bits and Brains, Ameland, June 2016 Electronic structure and properties of a few-layer black phosphorus, colloquium in University Duisburg/Essen, Duisburg, May 2016 From materials science to basic physics, Sommerfeld theory colloquium, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, May 2016 From materials science to basic physics, Hamburg photon science colloquium, CFEL Hamburg, April 2016 Charge carrier scattering and electronic transport in graphene, invited talk at annual meeting of German Physical Society, Regensburg, March 2016 Electronic structure and properties of a few-layer black phosphorus, colloquium in Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, January 2016 The unreasonable effectiveness of quantum theory: logical inference approach, colloquium in Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology, January 2016 Theory of carbon-based magnetism, colloquium in Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology, January 2016 Gauge fields and strain engineering in graphene, workshop on magnetic fields in strongly interacting matter, Utrecht, November 2015 The unreasonable effectiveness of quantum theory: logical inference approach, colloquium in Uppsala University, November 2015 The unreasonable effectiveness of quantum theory: logical inference approach, seminar in Institute for Science and Technology, Vienna, November 2015 Collective phenomena in strongly correlated systems: Dual fermion and dual boson approaches, workshop on Dynamical Mean-Field Approach for strongly correlated materials, Dresden, September 2015 Decoherence in quantum spin systems, workshop on modelling and numerics in quantum systems, Toulose, September 2015 The unreasonable effectiveness of quantum theory: logical inference approach, plenary talk at XVIIIth International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Santiago, July 2015 Theory of carbon-based magnetism, workshop on interaction effects in graphene and related materials, San Sebastian, July 2015 Scientist and society: problems at interface, SciCom NL symposium, Wageningen, June 2015 Exchange interactions and itinerant-electron magnetism, colloquium in European XFEL, Hamburg, May 2015 Theory of carbon-based magnetism, SPICE-workshop on computational quantum magnetism, Mainz, May 2015 The problem of iron: From quantum many-body theory to metallurgy, workshop on correlated electronic structure and spin dynamics, Hamburg, May 2015 Theory of graphene: CERN on the desk, plenary talk at 51th Netherlands Mathematical Congress, Leiden, April 2015 The problem of iron: From quantum many-body theory to metallurgy, seminar in Uppsala University, February 2015 Exchange interactions and itinerant-electron magnetism, conference II Physics meeting in Amazonia, Belem, November 2014 Exchange interactions and itinerant-electron magnetism, workshop Ab initio description of iron and steel, Ringberg Castle, October 2014 Theory of carbon-based magnetism, seminar in Institute of Materials Science, Madrid, September 2014 Effective electron-electron interactions and many-body effects in graphene, lecture at 11th international school on theoretical physics SSPCM2014, Rzeszow, September 2014 Beyond DMFT: Dual Fermion approach to nonlocal electron correlations, lecture at summer school FEMTOSPIN, Nijmegen, August 2014 First- and second-principle theory of magnetic interactions in real materials, lecture at summer school FEMTOSPIN, Nijmegen, August 2014 Gauge fields and strain engineering in graphene, CECAM workshop on graphene's strain engineering, Zurich, July 2014 Spin dynamics and exchange interactions from the first- and second-principle calculations, Psi_k workshop Strong electron correlation effects in complex magnetic materials, Prague, June 2014 Graphene: A theoretical physicist's view, Dutch graphene conference, Nijmegen, June 2014 Theory of carbon-based magnetism, plenary lecture at 37th Brazilian conference on condensed matter physics, Costa do Sauipe, May 2014 Science, creativity, graphene, popular lecture in Hannover Fair, April 2014 Theory of graphene: CERN on the desk, colloquium in University of Geneva, March 2014 Graphene as a prototype crystalline membrane, seminar in University of Geneva, March 2014 Theory of carbon-based magnetism, annual FOM meeting, Veldhoven, January 2014 Gauge fields and strain engineering in graphene, workshop on nanoelectronics Nano Saclay, Paris, December 2013 Spin dynamics and exchange interactions from the first- and second-principle calculations, conference Ultrafast magnetism, Strasbourg, October 2013 In my element: Through the Periodic Table with pen and computer, Spinoza Lecture, The Hague, September 2013 Graphene: CERN on the desk, colloquium in Utrecht University (opening new year), September 2013 Structural and thermal properties of graphene, conference Carbonhagen 2013, Copenhagen, August 2013 Semiclassical theory for massless Dirac fermions, workshop WaveFront, Hoenderloo, June 2013 On the many-body effects in graphene and other 2D crystals, Graphene Week 2013, Chemnitz, June 2013 On the many-body effects in graphene and other 2D crystals, seminar in University of Hamburg, May 2013 Graphene: CERN on the desk, conference Trends in Theory, Dalfsen, May 2013 Theory of graphene, master classes in Kings College and Imperial College, London, April 2013 Semiclassical theory for massless Dirac fermions, workshop on graphene, Madrid, April 2013 Topological defects in condensed matter, lectures in Dutch school in theoretical physics, Doorn, March 2013 Graphene: CERN on the desk, lecture in Chebyshev Laboratory, St. Petersburg State University, March 2013 Graphene: CERN on the desk, colloquium in Institute of Mathematics, Humboldt University, Berlin, January 2013 Character of correlated f-states in Pu and Pu compounds, workshop Recent progress in Dynamical Mean-Field Theory and GW calculations, Strasbourg, December 2012 Graphene: CERN on the desk, colloquium in Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne, October 2012 Graphene as a prototype membrane: Ripples, puddles and strain engineering, seminar in Max Planck Institute of Iron, Duesseldorf, October 2012 Dual fermion and boson approach to nonlocal correlation effects, workshop on dynamical mean-field approach for strongly correlated materials, Dresden, September 2012 Semiclassical theory for massless Dirac fermions, CECAM workshop on topological materials, Bremen, August 2012 Graphene: Carbon in two dimensions, lecture in Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, July 2012 Graphene as a prototype membrane: Ripples, puddles and strain engineering, European-Indian workshop on modeling advanced nanomaterials, Uppsala, June 2012 Graphene as a prototype membrane: Ripples, puddles and strain engineering, lecture at annual meeting of Belgian Physical Society, Brussels, May 2012 Electronic structure and transport properties of functionalized graphene, CECAM workshop on chemical and topological functionalization of graphitic surfaces, Lausanne, April 2012 Graphene: Carbon in two dimensions, colloquium in Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, April 2012 Graphene: CERN on the desk, colloquium in Aalto University, Helsinki, February 2012 Graphene as a prototype membrane: Ripples, puddles and strain engineering, seminar in Aalto University, Helsinki, February 2012 Graphene: CERN on the desk, seminar in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, February 2012 Interplay of Kondo effect and interspin interactions, workshop on spin dynamics and Kondo effect in STM, Hamburg, December 2011 Graphene: CERN on the desk, international symposium Frontiers in Quantum Photon Science, Hamburg, November 2011 Graphene as a prototype membrane: Ripples, puddles and strain engineering, colloquium in University of Hamburg, November 2011 Graphene as a prototype membrane: Ripples, puddles and strain engineering, IMM colloquium, Nijmegen, September 2011 Itinerant-electron magnetism, CECAM wokshop Perspectives and challenges of many-particle methods, Bremen, September 2011 Graphene: CERN on the desk, workshop on quantum field theory aspects of condensed matter physics, Rome, September 2011 Graphene: CERN on the desk, 5th Stig Lundqvist conference on the advancing frontiers of condensed matter physics, Trieste, July 2011 Graphene: CERN on the desk, plenary lecture at 13th international conference of the formation of semiconducting interfaces, Prague, July 2011 Graphene: CERN on the desk, symposium The Arrow of Time, Nijmegen, July 2011 Graphene: CERN on the desk, plenary lecture at GraphITA, L'Aquila, May 2011 Graphene: CERN on the desk, plenary lecture at Fysica 2011 (annual meeting of Dutch Physical Society), Amsterdam, April 2011 Graphene: CERN on the desk, Schuster Colloquium, Manchester, February 2011 Graphene: CERN on the desk, symposium Condensed Matter Physics and Optics, Vienna, December 2010 Graphene: CERN on the desk, colloquium in University of Antwerp, December 2010 Graphene: CERN on the desk, colloquium in Technical University Eindhoven, November 2010 Graphene: CERN on the desk, Nanoelectronics Days, Aachen, October 2010 Electron scattering mechanisms in graphene, seminar in Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, September 2010 Graphene: CERN on the desk, plenary talk at the conference on materials science and condensed matter physics, Chisinau, September 2010 Graphene: Dirac electrons in magnetic and pseudomagnetic fields, lecture at the 2nd EuroMagNET summer school Science in high magnetic fields, Ameland, September 2010 Graphene: CERN on the desk, plenary talk at the 23th conference of condensed matter division of the European Physical Society, Warsaw, August 2010 Electron scattering mechanisms in graphene, WE-Heraus-Seminar Graphene electronics, Bad Honnef, August 2010 Itinerant electron magnetism, plenary talk at the conference Realistic theories of correlated electrons in condensed matter, Moscow, August 2010 Electron transport in graphene, colloquium in DESY, Hamburg, June 2010 Corrugations, defects and scattering mechanisms in graphene, invited talk at EMRS meeting, Strasbourg, June 2010 Electron transport in graphene, Nobel symposium Physics of graphene, Stockholm, May 2010 Gauge fields in corrugated graphene, colloquium in Utrecht University, May 2010 Itinerant electron magnetism, colloquium in University of Cologne, May 2010 Towards ab initio spin dynamics, workshop on computational magnetism, Bonn, May 2010 Electron transport in graphene, seminar in Moscow State University, April 2010 Graphene: CERN on the desk, lecture in Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, April 2010 Quanta, nano and graphene, public lecture in Polytechnique Museum, Moscow, April 2010 Gauge fields in corrugated graphene, colloquium in University of Hamburg, January 2010 Gauge fields in corrugated graphene, colloquium in University of Cologne, December 2009 Graphene: Corrugations, defects, scattering mechanisms, and chemical functionalization, European-Indian workshop on modeling advanced nanomaterials, Stuttgart, November 2009 Towards ab initio approach for modeling of ultrafast spin dynamics, lecture in international school Ultrafast laser control of spins in nanomagnets, Nijmegen, October 2009 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, seminar in UC Riverside, June 2009 Graphene: Corrugations, defects, scattering mechanisms, and chemical functionalization, 21st annual workshop on electronic structure, Davis (California), June 2009 Lectures on theory of graphene, University of Hamburg, June 2009 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, talk at Science Day of Juelich-Aachen Research Alliance, June 2009 Ripples on graphene, seminar in the Institute of Materials Science, Madrid, May 2009 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, seminar in Uppsala University, May 2009 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, Dutch national seminar in condensed matter physics, Groningen, April 2009 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, colloquium in Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, April 2009 Ripples on graphene and their effect on its lattice and electronic properties, invited talk at APS March meeting, Pittsburgh, March 2009 Lectures on theory of graphene, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, February 2009 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, seminar in Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, February 2009 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, seminar in Freie Universitaet Berlin, January 2009 Gauge fields in corrugated graphene, seminar in Rutgers University, New Jersey, December 2008 Graphene: Electronic structure, chemistry, and magnetism, DOE/BES Computational materials science network meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2008 Graphene: Electronic structure, chemistry, and magnetism, workshop Computational magnetism and spintronics, Dresden, November 2008 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, seminar in the Institute of Materials Science, Madrid, October 2008 Gauge fields in corrugated graphene, condensed matter seminar in the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, October 2008 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, physics colloquium in the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, October 2008 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, 22th conference of condensed matter division of the European Physical Society, Rome, August 2008 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, international conference on strongly coupled Coulomb systems, Camerino, July 2008 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, L. D. Landau memorial conference Advances in theoretical physics, Chernogolovka, June 2008 Scattering mechanisms and charge carrier transport in graphene , seminar in Uppsala University, June 2008 Scattering mechanisms and charge carrier transport in graphene , conference Quantum Coherence and Controllability at the Mesoscale, San Sebastian, May 2008 Defects in graphene: Electronic structure, magnetism, scattering mechanisms, 35th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, April 2008 Gauge fields in corrugated graphene , Condensed Matter and Materials Physics meeting of Institute of Physics, London, March 2008 Scattering mechanisms and charge carrier transport in graphene , seminars in the Technical University Graz and University of Vienna, March 2008 Scattering mechanisms and charge carrier transport in graphene, seminar in the University of Regensburg, February 2008 Gauge fields in corrugated graphene, workshop Relativistic dynamics in graphene, Seattle, January 2008 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, Physics Colloquium, University of Hamburg, December 2007 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, workshop Electrons in graphene, Paris, December 2007 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, Colloquium in Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Univeristy of Munich, October 2007 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, Paul Scherrer seminar, Zurich, October 2007 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, conference Dynamical properties of solids (DYPROSO-XXXI), Porto, September 2007 Magnetism of sp-electrons in narrow impurity bands, workshop on graphite, graphene and their technical applications and FERROCARBON meeting, Madrid, September 2007 Introduction to many-body perturbation theory for interacting fermions, lectures in summer school Ab initio many-body theory San Sebastian, July 2007 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, workshop Low-D quantum condensed matter, Amsterdam, July 2007 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, seminar in the Institute of Materials Science, Madrid, June 2007 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, seminar in the University of Leuven, June 2007 Defects in graphene: Electronic structure, magnetism, scattering mechanisms, seminar in Harvard University, May 2007 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, seminar in Boston University, May 2007, seminar in MIT, April 2007 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, seminar in Arisona State University, April 2007 Defects in graphene: Electronic structure, magnetism, scattering mechanisms, seminar in the University of Hamburg, April 2007 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, conference Relativistic effects in physics and chemistry of heavy elements (REHE2007), Ottrott (France), March 2007 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, invited talk at annual German Physical Society meeting, Regensburg, March 2007 Defects in graphene: Electronic structure, magnetism, scattering mechanisms, workshop Graphene, Leiden, February 2007 Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and QED, FOM annual meeting, Veldhoven, January 2007 Background to correlation phenomena, lectrures in winter school in modern electronic structure theory, Uppsala, December 2006 Two-dimensional ultrarelativistic Fermi-gas in graphene, seminar in Lebedev Physical Institute (Moscow), November 2006 Two-dimensional ultrarelativistic Fermi-gas in graphene, seminar in the University of Groningen and workshop Simulations of novel carbon materials, Lyon, October 2006 Spin-polarized STM of half-metallic ferromagnets: Correlation effects, workshop Surface spin correlations, Hamburg, September 2006 Two-dimensional ultrarelativistic Fermi-gas in graphene, seminar in the University of Augsburg, June 2006 Path integrals in quantum mechanics, lectures in Dutch school in theoretical physics, Utrecht, May 2006 Correlation effects in electronic structure of actinide compounds, seminar in Imperial College (London) and workshop Electronic structure of f-electron matrials, Canterbury, April 2006 Two-dimensional ultrarelativistic Fermi-gas in graphene, Dutch workshop in molecular electronics, Groningen, March 2006 Two-dimensional ultrarelativistic Fermi-gas in graphene, seminar in the University of Manchester, February 2006 Nanoscale world between quantum and classical, seminar in the University of Hamburg, December 2005 Correlation effects in electronic structure of actinide compounds, workshop Actinide theory and experiment, Karlsruhe, December 2005 Intramolecular magnetic interactions in molecular magnets, Wilhelm und Else Heraus-Seminar Advances and prospects in molecular magnetism, Bad Honnef, November 2005 Magnetic interactions in molecules and crystals from first principles, workshop Novel trends in magtnetism: spin dynamics, spintronics, etc., Corfu, October 2005 Kondo physics beyond simple one-spin scattering, workshops Complex behavior in correlated electron systems, Leiden, and Progress in nonequilibrium Green's functions, Kiel, August 2005 Electron self-trapping at quantum and classical critical points, workshop Low-D quantum condensed matter, Amsterdam, July 2005 Solvent driven bending of single bolaamphiphilic layers, workshop Magnetic manipulation of molecular and nanoscale materials, Nijmegen, June 2005 Correlation effects in real materials, theoretical chemistry seminar, University of Groningen, May 2005 Nanoscale world between quantum and classical, symposium Trends in Theory, Dalfsen, May 2005 Local perturbative approach to electronic structure of actinide systems, workshop Electronic structure of correlated materials, Hamburg, May 2005 Nanoscale world between quantum and classical, Colloquium Ehrenfestii, Leiden, March 2005 Magnetism and nonquasiparticle states on metal surfaces, seminar in the University of Hamburg, March 2005 Quantum dynamics and decoherence in nanoscale spin systems, theoretical physics colloquium in the University of Utrecht, February 2005 Kondo physics beyond simple one-spin scattering, seminar in the University of Leiden and theoretical physics colloquium in the University of Amsterdam, January 2005 |